Ep. 152: Patient Retention – Why Your Practice Isn’t Growing


Dentistry is one of those professions where if you aren’t growing, you’re shrinking. So, if you aren’t making an effort to regularly reactivate your patients and get them back into the office, you are going to be fighting an uphill battle. This week, Jeff gives you some immediate action items to help you make sure you are retaining patients and are set up for growth going forward.


The MGE Reactivation Program - https://www.mgeonline.com/mge-reactivation-program

Download the Hygiene Formula Spreadsheet - https://www.mgeonline.com/hygieneformula/

MGE New Patient Workshop - https://www.newpatients.net/

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Ep 153: Recapturing Lost Treatment Opportunities


Ep. 151: Simplifying the Case Acceptance Process