Ep. 150: All About Dental Implant Funnels


You’ve probably heard the term “Implant Funnels” at some point in the last several years. So what are they are how do they work? In this week’s episode, Jeff is joined by Dan Brown and they break down everything about Implant Funnels; what they are, how they work, and how to make sure you have the systems and personnel in place to handle the responses from these funnels properly so you aren’t wasting your marketing dollars.


Sample Questions for Marketing Leads - https://mgeonline.com/sample-questions-for-marketing-leads-2/

Top Dental Implant Funnel Mistakes - https://mgeonline.com/top-dental-implant-marketing-mistakes/

Phone Skills Course - https://ddssuccess.com/p/phone-skills-2-0

MGE New Patient Workshop - https://www.newpatients.net/

MGE Communication & Sales Seminars - https://mgeonline.com/mge-communication-and-sales-seminars/

Email Dan Brown - dan@blumbergdigital.com

Listen to full episode :

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Ep. 151: Simplifying the Case Acceptance Process


Ep. 149: Common Mistakes Dentists Make with Google Ads